November 14, 2008

I want to eat him up.

I understand where that expression comes from. I look at all the rollie-pollies (I mean, really- there are like 40 gazillion rolls on that squishy little leg) and I just want to nibble on his neck and blow raspberries on the Buddha belly. Just in case you think Mean Mommy has lost her grip and gives giant lollipops as a regular meal, don't worry. I have a reputation to uphold and children to torture, after all. Jake is a year older now, and has maintained the same weight (32 lbs at 8 months and still the same at 21 months) but grown so much in height that he's lost a lot of his baby blubber. Now if I could only say the same for me. And something tells me it's not quite as endearing. *sigh* One day at a time...