October 22, 2008

Soul Mate.

Why do I love him?
His smiley, crinkly eyes when he laughs
His "Kid Freeze" funky dance moves (he's a break dancing extraordinaire)
His dimples (and the fact that he passed them on to all 3 of our boys)
His spontanaity and sense of adventure
His little boy charm
His grown up sense of responsibility
His dedication to his family
His ability to understand me and patience with me, despite our opposite-ness
His attempts to slow dance with me in the aisles of Costco or wherever else the mood strikes
His macho "You better not mess with my woman" attitude when there are jack-asses nearby
His giggle
His muscles
His dedication to his career and knowledge of science
His inventiveness
His wild imagination
His romantic inclinations
His embrace
His ability to cook (and I mean the man can cook)
His inability to hold a grudge while stripping me of my ability to do so
His duck dance with his boxers in a wedgie (guess you'd have to be there)
His hand holding mine through 50+ combined hours of labor
His neck being cinched by my pulling and twisting his collar during 50+ hours of labor
His diaper changing abilities
His ability to know when I've reached the end of my rope
His ability to take over when said end of rope is reached
His blend of vulnerability and strength
His pampering me with bubble baths and candle light
His willingness to search the magazine racks for a Mary Engelbreit magazine when I'm sick or cranky, followed by a cell phone call: "You don't have this one yet, do you?"
(but there's no purse holding or tampon buying for him, no indeed)
His refusal (even though I want to hear it just once) to say he'd swim through shark infested waters to bring me a lemonade ("That's just stupid" he says, "unless they were sand sharks- then I'd do it.")
His enjoyment of playing with his children
His unending efforts to be the dad he always wanted
His undying love for me
I think I'll keep him.