October 11, 2008

Girls Have Cooties. I Repeat. Girls. Have. Cooties.

Isaiah was sitting on the couch this morning during Saturday cartoons. All of a sudden he yelled, "Aaaaaah! My eyes are burning!!! My eyes are burning!!!" I looked over to find him pressing his hands to his eyes like he had some kind of sudden affliction causing him searing pain. "What's the matter?!?" I asked, alarmed. "My eyes! My eyes!" he continued to moan. My mom brain instantly recognized that this was not real pain and that he was pulling my leg. I glanced at the t.v. and saw there was a commercial playing for a Barbie hair bead gadget. I asked him if that was the cause of his searing eye pain. His eyes peeked out and hands moved slightly up to the eyebrows to check the t.v. and see if the offending ad was still playing. Then he looked over at me and nodded yes, his face looking as if he'd just whiffed a rotten egg. Girls might have cooties for now, but I'm guessing he won't have searing eye pain from all things girly when he's a teenager!