Sammy: "Mama! I can count in Spanish! Uno... dos... thrays... what-ro... think-o..."
Me: :)
April 7, 2009
Spanish Inversion
Home Sweet Home

The town we live in is small and quiet. Most people would call it quaint, artsy, or friendly. Some might call it redneck, but only because they haven't spent much time here to know any better. We love living here and raising our children here and I wonder what it might look like when my boys become grandfathers someday. Here is a view of Palmer in it's golden olden days... Both the brick building and the log church are still standing today. Now it's a thriving metropolis. Well... not. But it's still a great place.
April 4, 2009
Serenity Now! Serenity Now!
I don't know if it would be considered a "quote" or just a simple prayer, but the Serenity Prayer always seems to apply in life, doesn't it? Right now in the midst of depressing news on the state of the world and on those days when everything seems to go wrong- from little things to big things- this calms my brain. If you find yourself stressed out, take a minute to read it and let it really sink in...
Lord, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
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