July 30, 2008
*sigh*... The sweetest shoes ever.
July 29, 2008
A Wonderful Quote...

July 25, 2008
We interrupt this blog for a word from our sponsor...
Global Warming... the Great Conspiracy
It's been the absolute pits for weather this summer in southcentral Alaska. We've had record amounts of cool temperatures and rain, and even with our "midnight sun" during the summer months, it's been gloomy and gray with all the constant clouds. I think we've only had 2 days over 75 degrees and it's been in the upper 40s and low 50s forever. Without much of a summer it kind of feels like we've had 12 months of fall, winter, and then fall again (22 months if you count this coming fall and winter)! UGH! HARUMPH! #&*%^$!!!
Okay- enough of my grumbling and boo-hooing. I've been trying to be optimistic about it and take advantage of this time to work on some projects indoors. I've made aprons, sewn curtains for almost every room in our house, and painted/redecorated our bedroom (a.k.a. love nest). I've still got lots and lots of ideas, things that need to be finished, and things that need to be started. I'll post some pictures after a bit. In the mean time, here's a glimpse of some summer fun our kidlets had on Independence Day- one of our very rare sunny days of the chilly summer of 2008! (The girlies are family-friends-and-with-any-luck-future-daughters-in-law, Abby and Lilly)

Moniker Abuse
Oh, heck no. There's being a mean mommy... and then there's just cruelty. I cannot believe this trend. If you think my kids have slightly unusual (I prefer "less common") names, you should see this.
July 10, 2008
A Modern Version of "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"
This morning my two oldest boys were playing a two-person monster truck racing video game, sitting side by side in chairs with cords dangling to the boob tube. I braced myself for the inevitable squabbles and whining between a "big boy" and a preschooler who are on way different playing levels and cannot EVER seem to get along lately. Instead, I overheard this conversation...
Sammy: (Helpless) Zaya! Help me! Help me! I'm stuck, Zaya! Come get me!
(A split screen shows Isaiah's truck racing around the track and Sammy's truck sitting motionless on the side of the road, "stuck" in a guard rail. Not surprising, since preschoolers aren't usually adept at using video game controllers.)
Isaiah: (Urgently) Hold on, Sammy. Zaya's coming! Hold on!
(He always refers to himself in the third person when he's feeling heroic.)
Sammy: Oh, no! Zaya, hurry! Help me!
Isaiah: Here Zaya comes, Sammy! Just hold on! Zaya's coming to save you!
(The split screen shows Isaiah's truck zooming around the track back to Sammy's location. Isaiah backs his truck up and then steps on the virtual gas pedal, ramming Sammy's truck out of the guard rail and back onto the track.)
Sammy: Yesssssss! You saved me!
Isaiah: Zaya has to go now! Hurry, Sammy!
Sammy: I'm twying! I can't know how to do it!
(Isaiah proceeds to lap Sammy and then ram his truck into Sammy's, sending the hurling fireball off the track and ending the game.)
Isaiah: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I destroyed you!!!
Sammy: (forlorn) Oh, maaaaaaan. *sigh*
Isaiah: Sorry, Sam. I thought you were someone else.
Sammy: You're supposed to cwash the purple twuck.
Isaiah: Oh.